
3D Collection – a Renaissance Wooden Sundial

Very little is known about this Renaissance wooden sundial. Based on an inscription on the floor inside the cube, we know that it was painted, or at most also made, by painter Jakob Hofmann from Schwäbisch Hall in 1597. This Renaissance painter was born in … Read more

Gregory'sches Spiegelteleskop

3D Collection – a Telescope with Two Mirrors

This reflecting telescope belongs to the Observatory Collection. It was created by Rudolf Wolf (1816-1893). He was a professor of astronomy, head of Semper Observatory, director of the library of the Polytechnic (today ETH) and collector of astronomical instruments. He created an inventory of his collection in … Read more


3D Collection – a Theodolite by Georg Friedrich Brander

This 18th century theodolite is part of the Observatory Collection. It was created by Rudolf Wolf (1816-1893). He was a professor of astronomy, head of the Semper Observatory, director of the library of the Polytechnic (present-day ETH) and collector of astronomical instruments. He created an … Read more