3D Collection – Wild Heerbrugg’s First Theodolite

This theodolite, called the WILD T2 universal theodolite, was purchased by ETH in 1923. This was also the year in which the Geodetic Institute was officially mentioned for the first time; this happened during the summer semester. However, geodesy and topography had already been taught … Read more

3D Collection – a Folding Sundial made of Ivory

  3D digitalisation at ETH library A project in which 20 selected objects were 3D digitalised using photogrammetry was launched by the collection of scientific instruments and teaching aids at ETH library in 2022. The images were captured using photogrammetry by Thomas Erdin from ikonaut in … Read more

When Frank Lloyd Wright’s triumphant tour of Europe stopped in Zurich in 1952

From the 2nd of February to the 9th of March 1952, the travelling exhibition “Frank Lloyd Wright – Sixty Years of Living Architecture” made a guest appearance at the Zurich Kunsthaus. The reportage by Comet Photo AG (Zurich) immortalises in eighteen shots the obvious joy of discovery that the huge, almost overwhelming architectural models triggered in the public. Today’s viewers of this historical photo series will not fail to notice the contrast between the avant-garde appearance of Wright’s buildings and the out-of-fashion clothing of the museum visitors. However, if one takes clothing seriously as a cultural medium – and not as an anecdotal addition to the “actual” image content – it is precisely fashion that offers itself here as a common denominator between architecture, photography or photojournalism and personal image cultivation. The relationship between modernism, which from the beginning aimed at a comprehensive reform of life, even a permanent revolution along the lines of the technical-scientific innovation process, and fashion has always been fraught with tension and marked by contradictions. Such image sources as those of the Wright exhibition in Zurich in 1952 are irreplaceable for examining the history of architectural reception.

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It’s November and it’s happening again in many places in the country, the Metzgete. “Metzgete” literally means “slaughter” in Switzerland and in the extreme southwest of Germany, but it also stands collectively for all the dishes that are typically prepared from blood, offal, bacon and belly or head meat (usually from the pig) immediately after slaughter … (Wikipedia). Comet photographer Jules Vogt, who one can assume was not averse to such feasting, created an impressive reportage of the slaughter of a pig and the subsequent feast in November 1968. Vogt meticulously documented the events with his usual closeness to the people.

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The Comets: Jules Vogt

Another short portrait from our series on Comet photographers is dedicated to Jules Vogt. He was born on December 9, 1928 in Zurich, where he completed an apprenticeship as a photographer at Foto Saager from 1944 to 1946 and took courses at the School of Applied Arts with Hans Finsler. He then worked for Otto Pfister’s agencies, Illustrations- und Photopress AG (1961-1974) and Comet (1963-1996). After his time at Comet, Vogt was increasingly found in advertising and regularly photographed for Züspa, the Geneva Motor Show and various industrial companies. Vogt was also a renowned aviation photographer. Jules Vogt passed away on July 30, 2006 in Ascona.

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Happy New Year 2019!

The proverbial “Slide into the New Year” was taken literally on 31.12.1974 by some Zurich residents on Grossmünsterplatz. To musical accompaniment and torchlight they slid down a small metal slide, dressed in winter clothes. Comet photographer Hans Witschi was on site and recorded the event.

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