Monogram, label and stamp: Clues to the fate of a rare book

Many rare books have had a long and exciting journey on their way to a safe haven in a library. These works have for example seen continuous change in ownership and travelled through many countries over the centuries. The fate of these ‘travelling books’ has often been documented: thus handwritten notes, stamps and labels have assumed the role of storyteller, in many cases leaving unsolved mysteries in their wake.

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The end of a notorious polluter

Thirty years ago, on 28 January 1988, the tower chimney built in 1964/65 for the heating centre of ETH Zurich at Hönggerberg was blown up in a spectacular operation. Previously, a strong eccentricity had been measured in the 80-metre high concrete chimney and visible damage had been detected, which led to the decision to demolish. The new, lower chimney system with three steel chimneys

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Carl Gustav Jung’s letters to Freud revisited

Precious letters from the early days of the psychoanalytical movement online

Both correspondents are luminaries and their importance for clinical psychology is vast. We are talking about the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, and Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. From 1906 they spent seven years communicating regularly on a personal and academic level – until they parted ways in 1914. 

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